Discussion of spiritual practices: awakening, meditation, and the freedom that cannot be lost or found. All perspectives are welcome; advaita, christian, buddhist, islam or even no perspective at all. Just pointing to that which is nearest and dearest.

For some "awakening hints" take a peek at: www.robertflegal.com

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The month of August this year is Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of worship where Muslims around the world give up food, water, and sex from the first light of dawn till sundown. Ramadan is an opportunity to gain by giving up and to prosper through turning away from our daily routine towards The Divine.

So it is with our meditation practice … which is giving up our attention to our thoughts, feelings, and body sensations in order to grow closer to the Divine.

I hope your practice (of release) is leading you to a profound realization of the following quote attributed to the Buddha:

"Just as a man who steps upon a serpent shutters in fear but then looks down and notices it is only a rope, so it was that one day I realized that what I was calling "I" cannot be found, and all fear and anxiety vanished with my mistake."

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