In spiritual circles there is this idea of 'centering' ... that is, finding "our center." I guess the idea is ... if we somehow "find our center, "we can remain there and not be affected by life and its many twist, turns, and ups and downs. Does this ever work? Have you found your center?
Where would your center be? Take a look right now and see if you can find it. Bet you can't!
The idea of finding our center is one 'spiritual' variant on the idea that we can find some state or place where, in the future, we will have some consistent experience. As Dr. Phil often wisely asks: "How is that working for you?"
I suggest that if you take a careful look
right here right now, you will find that
there is only emptiness when you ask the question: "Who am I?" How can emptiness have a center? How can the profound freedom to let things be just as they are right now have a center?
Living life without center is to live life as it spontaneously arises in each moment ... noticing its astounding perfection. How do we know that it is perfect? Because that is how it is ... nothing can ever be other than it is.
So ... rather than trying to find some 'center' when you meditate, just notice how perfect everything is right now. Then you will see that the idea of 'you' having a 'center' is riotously laughable. Enjoy the laughter! As Alan Alda notes:
"When people are laughing, they're generally not killing each other."ok?