Discussion of spiritual practices: awakening, meditation, and the freedom that cannot be lost or found. All perspectives are welcome; advaita, christian, buddhist, islam or even no perspective at all. Just pointing to that which is nearest and dearest.

For some "awakening hints" take a peek at: www.robertflegal.com

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why was he killed?

Good morning friends,

Thanks for your comments on "Jesus' essential teaching'. Yes, love and grace are the standard answers to this question. But, think about this: if someone went around professing love, compassion and forgiveness, why would that be so upsetting that he would be killed within a year of sharing that message. Is loving that upsetting! I bet something else was being taught that was terribly really upsetting to to the general community. What was he saying that was so radical that he was summarily killed? Awaiting your comments ...



  1. Because they thought he was teaching gay love, which is an abomination of course!

    No, really...
    I think that there were a lot of contributing factors (Pharasees reasons vs. commoners) but maybe the most basic explanation is that they were so consumed with worldly things that they really didn't know what they were doing.

    Jesus called a lot of people out in the bible and many times people don't handle that too well. I have learned in my life that even though the truth hurts, it is still the truth and if I want to mature, I need to accept the truth and adapt.

    When our worldy ways come up against "The Truth" and fail, we can only accept or reject that truth into our lives. Therefore, I guess by killing Jesus, they were rejecting the truth which is why we all need salvation.

    ...back to the original question. I don't know what he was saying besides what is in Red in the Bible. I wish I did because when reading the gospels, most of what he says is in parables. I am confused by this. Maybe this would be another topic for another day, but why all of the parables?

  2. I think he was killed because he was essentially saying:

    1. Heaven (aka peace, or enlightenment) is right here and now

    2. The world (as we tend to perceive it) is false

    3. EVERYONE is actually one with God (stress on the EVERYONE)

    He was going around hanging out with prostitutes, tax collectors, children, and leopards and saying “all these are welcome to the kingdom of Heaven”. In other words, he was saying that Heaven is for the lowest of lows, all sin (aka the illusion of being separate from God) has been forgiven, and all you have to do is accept it for yourself. Just accept what is. The truth is within you.

    His message was completely 100% radical to the self-righteous belief systems that said God is only for select people in the know, and Heaven is only for the afterlife. Afterlife! What a contradiction in terms! What could possible come AFTER life?

    He turned the whole system on it’s head, and said that death is not real! People were awed, but ultimately scared out of their wits to accept the fact that eternal Divinity is within each of us, right now. He was saying the search is over….and they didn’t want to hear that.

    Not surprisingly, that message is just as radical today as it was 2000 years ago. It still applies to all faiths, religions, non-religions, etc. No matter the creed, people just don’t want to hear that they are free. All the Truth we are seeking is within.

    I realized the other day that I am the most direct connection to Divinity that has ever or will ever be available. All I need to do is see myself clearly.

    What a relief!


  3. I'll piggy-back on what Chris had to say. Jesus said, "You don't need no stinking religion" and that never goes well. I could only imagine being in the presents of that much love - loving (Jesus) and what that might do to me in contrast as a member of the prevailing institution whose identity is bound with in the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. If one were identified (self identity) with a system that was made to look superfluous in the face of pure peaceful love, that would be very threatening indeed.
    Chris as for "I realized the other day that I am the most direct connection to Divinity that has ever or will ever be available. All I need to do is see myself clearly." wow - that constitutes a good day.


  4. My two cents worth ... What I have to say has already been alluded to in several of the wonderful posts on the topic "Why was Jesus killed?". But first let me say why this question interests me.

    What happened 2000 years ago can be a big lesson for all of us. I don't know about you but I learn from my mistakes. What mistake, obviously it was a mistake, was made 2000 years ago? ... if we can see the mistake that Jesus' contemporaries made, perhaps we can see the mistake some of us (not all) are making right now vis. a vis. killing the Truth.

    So .... what was going on 2000 years ago in the Jewish community (after all Jesus was a Jew). They were "waiting for the Messiah" (the anointed one). The whole Jewish culture (worship, commerce, taxes, teachings, and so forth) was based on waiting. So along comes someone who says the waiting is over. He stated clearly that there is no need to sacrifice animals for the forgiveness of sin (there was a big business in selling pure animals by the way), no need to practice in the old way, no need for a hierarchy of elders, and no need to atone for sin. THAT WAS RADICAL.

    So, in summary, I think he was killed to protect the "waiting game", waiting for salvation sometime in the future. He killed the waiting game and they killed him.

    So ... what can we 2000 years later get out of this. Are we playing a waiting game? Are we waiting for forgiveness sometime in the future? Are we waiting for enlightenment when we find the right teacher, or read the right book, or when we say the right prayer?

    The first words (according to scripture) out of Jesus mouth when he began sharing the good news was: (Matthew 4:17) "Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand". For this discussion I'm focusing on the "at hand" (sometimes translated as in your midst) part of his statement. What are we waiting for? Is our waiting keeping us from seeing the obvious ... that waiting covers the truth that is right here right now. Ok ... that's it for now.

  5. Wow!...Good stuff. Thanks for all the comments
    The jewish faith was about living according to law (Taliban still lives this way). Jesus lived and preached love for all and that we all can have everlasting life through
    grace and this turned the jewish leadership
    upsidedown. Jesus was accused of breaking "Gods law"...convieniant way to be rid of Him.

  6. why was jesus killed? i think it was the result of "man gone wild" and a group in power sensing a threat to their power. i agree with the comments above that Christ threatened the very system that enabled the Pharisees to control the Jewish community but i believe the leaders and their followers were so wrapped up in their own selves that they felt justified in their actions...if only for the brief time that it took to crucify The Christ.....like somebody that kills in the name of God....so confused and self-absorbed that they fail to see the contradiction inherent in their actions to the point of absurdity. i think they killed jesus out of anger and greed and fear for how his teaching might shift the balance of power.

  7. Reading all these beautiful posts has me thinking, that's for certain.

    I'm asking myself, OK, let's get real here. Truly, what AM I waiting for? What would NOW be like if I let Heaven be here now?

    And I end up with silence.

    And a smile.

    Gratefully, April

  8. Here's a post from Dudley. I understand some of you are having trouble posting from MAC system. I'll give it a try here and see if it works. Thanks for your post Dudley ... (wdihtcai)

    We-People killed Jesus.

    A growing following developed.

    A following that prior had followed compeating theological/politial factions.

    "How can a flock be fleeced (by competing factions) if the flock follows a shepheard that allows them to keep ther own fleece?"

    Jesus did not triangulate the persuasions of governing political leaders and thier political motives .

    Jesus chose to be alive in each moment with out abandon.

    People kill and die, create and become born, every day, for the same reasons then and now.

    "Are my actions/inactons, words/silience, serving or present?"
    Every time we think such a quesion, we just are'nt home YET.

    Taking an Action when 'no one's home' is as effective as driving a car with no one in the drivers seat. People get hurt.

    Each of us choose to create or destroy every moment of every day.

    We: People- killed Jesus.

    For the same reason we create and kill today.
    Only each of us know with in ourselves, why it is that we choose to be alive in each moment.......or not.


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