Discussion of spiritual practices: awakening, meditation, and the freedom that cannot be lost or found. All perspectives are welcome; advaita, christian, buddhist, islam or even no perspective at all. Just pointing to that which is nearest and dearest.

For some "awakening hints" take a peek at: www.robertflegal.com

Saturday, February 6, 2016

True Seeing

Meditation is the practice of “true seeing” - seeing things as they ARE not as I think they OUGHT to be. When in the state of “true seeing”, it becomes clear that nothing that appears is yours - NOTHING! No one can make even one atom let alone a spec of dirt, a rock, or a leaf. 

So … when sitting in silence just let go of all thoughts about to how things OUGHT to be.  Let go of everything you have ever learned, or experienced. Let go, let go, then let go of letting go.  You will come to “true seeing”. What a wonderful (filled with wonder) place it is. Everything there points directly to the Divine.

God created every living creature from water. Some of them move on their bellies, some of them walk on two legs and some of them walk on four. God creates whatever He wills. God is capable of all things.
[Quran 24:45]

O people, an example has been cited so listen to it: those you call on beside God will never create a fly, even if they all got together to do so. In addition, if the fly should strip them of anything, they would not be able to recover that from it; weak is the seeker and that which is sought.
[Quran 22:73]

Peace be on you,


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